
You have a bunch of strings defined in Localizable.strings.

"FooString" = "Have a Foo.";  
"BarString" = "Anyone for Bar?";  
"BazString" = "Please pass the Baz.";  

You don't want to pass a string literal to NSLocalizedString() because (1) it's easy to make a typo, and (2) it's tedious since autocomplete can't assist.

NSArray *strings = @[  
  NSLocalizedString(@"FooString", nil),
  NSLocalizedString(@"BarStrung", nil),  // Oops.
  NSLocalizedString(@"BazString", nil)

You create a bunch of string constants instead.

static NSString *FooString = @"FooString";  
static NSString *BarString = @"BarString";  
static NSString *BazString = @"BazString";  

Now you get autocomplete, and if you fat-finger anyway, the compiler flags it and Xcode is eager to fix it for you.

But you still have to type

static NSString *BlaBlaBlaBla = @"BlaBlaBlaBla";  

when a string is added to Localized.strings, which is still tedious and typo-prone.

Fortunately, there is no tedious task that can't be simultaneously shortened and obfuscated by the judicious application of preprocessor macros.

#pragma mark Localizable string keys

#define _STRINGIFY(s) #s
#define $(x) *x = @STRINGIFY(x)

static NSString $(FooString);  
static NSString $(BarString);  
static NSString $(BazString);  
... etc ...

#undef $

And yes, I probably could have written a build script to autogenerate the string definitions from Localizable.strings in less time than it took to write this.